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Monday, May 26, 2008

Whew. The past week was pretty damn intense for me. Sleep deprivation (and you know how much I worship sleep!), project rushing, (EWWW KINKY KEITH JUST WALKED PAST EWWW EWWW EWWWWWWWWWWW ARRRGHHHHH URRRGHHHH SPOILED MY EYES BY WEARING A BLINDING RED SHIRT AND WALKING PAST YUCK) okay sorry sidetracked well, deadlines looming near, intensive rehearsals at SHHK... I NEED SLEEP ARHHHHHHHHHHH cheebye.

Three consecutive days of rehearsals that end around 11pm clashing with days I have project meetings and deadlines looming... then when the deadline is over, the rehearsal schedule becomes slack again WTF. If I believed God existed I'd probably be praying every night that the two schedules will actually complement each other rather than clash all the time. As a result I have to leave early from project meetings just to arrive late for rehearsals. AAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH lanjiao.

Friday. First assesed tutorial for Social Psychology and Communication module (aka SocPsyh). Fucking screwed up the whole presentation. I don't know our grades yet but I bet I must've single-handedly murdered my SocPsyh group, consisting of Ernest, Yun 'Er and Jessica, all of whom have worked really hard and didn't screw up. What did I give to them in return? Five crappy slides, one bigass screw-up of the century and (possibly) a failing grade for this assessed tutorial. My only other consolation is that, well, according to Hector the lecturer all the groups screwed up in some way or another, and half the class already screwed the journal before that. What a screwed-up module. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH penis.

Prior to that, I screwed up another module. Well it's not really my group's fault (LocPro group consists of Yun 'Er and Ernest again and Khairul), it's more like an unfortunate twist of events that caused a serious digitising fuck-up. Serious fuck-up. Our whole tape was rendered useless. Fucking hell man. AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH vagina.

And last night. Or rather this morning. I had the least sleep in a year. Two frickin' hours of sleep. 'Cause you know why? CATS. No not the cute furry little cats, but the IS module we all fucking hate so fucking much we have to fucking swear as many times as possible. Creativity FUCK And FUCK Applied FUCK Thinking FUCK Skills FUCK!! Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!! Okay.

Well, intended schedule for Sunday was first, lunch with Nina at 12pm at Thomson Plaza, SHHK rehearsal at 4, then according to my director it should end at 8 plus so I took her word for it, and planned to rush home, wolf down dinner, shower and get to work while updating Yong Hao and Cijin (who are in my CATS group) over MSN. Once I'm done with the slides, I'd do up a crappy essay and print all necessary shit. Perhaps finish at around 1pm and time to sleep!

In reality, things went completely awry. Lunch with Nina at 12pm as usual (or rather my dear Queen of Latecoming did what she did best, oversleep and arrive 1 hour late LOL). SHHK rehearsal at 4pm, but the whole fucking thing dragged on and on and on until it ended officially at nearly 10pm. Sigh. Which means I reach home at 11pm. Which means by the time I settle down, dinner, shower and all (YES THERE WAS NO DINNER BREAK WTF), I start work at 12am and finished at 4am. Then because I have to show up early in school for one final meeting I have to get up fucking early at 6am. I actually fell asleep on top of my dad's newspapers at the food court when they went to get food. And I got so tired my mom had to help me massage my temples. Perhaps a cup of kopi C siew dai does help after all. (OMGWTF EWWWWWWW MATTHEW NG STANDING THERE EWWWWWWWW YUCK YUCK YUCK YUCK WTF BLINDING MY EYES AGAIN WITH HIS MERE PRESENCE AND BALD PATCH EWWWWWWWWW) Well for those who don't know Matthew Ng is my Art and Design lecturer. Who uses singulars in place of plurals and plurals in place of singulars, fucks up his grammar a lot and calls us "FLERM STOODENTS". (OHNOES SCARY OVERENTHUSIASTIC EVANGELISTS APPROACH ME REALLY SCARY OH NO HELP ME HELP ME OR JUST KILL ME I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! ARGH!!! DIG ME A HOLE TO ESCAPE NOW!!!! Whew. They gave up after I told them I have to "finish an essay for a class that's coming soon".)

WHY DO I KEEP BUMPING INTO SCARY PEOPLE TODAY?????!!!!!!!11!1!111!11oneoneone$#@%

ARGH you know what. No offence to my friends and classmates who happen to be Christians or even have a religion. I am completely secular. I can even be said to be atheist. Honestly I don't think it's worth souring friendships over something like this. So whether you have a religion or not, it's not of any concern to me. What matters is you're alive and well. If you still like me, then I'm glad you still have some ounce of tolerance in you. If you hate me because of this, then I won't lament too. If such conflicts happen, what's there to lament in its wake? Once it happens, it happens, it's just a show of our lack of tolerance for people who are different. So there.

Blogging does make me feel a bit more awake. But not much. On the other hand I'm always half-asleep. So it doesn't matter.

[fangying] [9:32 AM]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am tired.

But I am happy.

My days are jammed with project meetings, discussions and rehearsals for an upcoming play. But they often leave me with a sense of fulfillment, and not dissatisfaction, regret and boredom. Sometimes the projects are daunting and seem impossible to do, but somehow completion finds its way, and I just know my group-mates and I will finish it, by hook or by crook.

These days I've been pondering about a rather important but very much nonexistent aspect of life, love.

I think I'm the last person people expect to give a shit about love. But truth is I just do. I've been giving a damn since I was a kid, since I learnt the concept of love. But somehow I just can never get round to it. It's almost as if people who need it most don't get it, and people who don't appreciate it lavish in an overload of it. I don't want to become asexual like some of my friends have. To me, at least, love, romance and sex are really big parts of my life, in the future if not now. 90% of my imagination and daydreams are made of those. If the supposed start of my search is 10 (the age I hit puberty), then I've been on a fruitless search for love for nearly a decade now. Frankly I'm shocked at how long I can wait. I'm mildly surprised I'm not already one of those promiscuous people often on the run from a hundred vengeful lovers.

Perhaps I'm such a control freak, I'm a control freak even to my own feelings and impulses.

Of course I'm not gonna become one of those who fuck around too much, or fuck around for the sake of fucking around. But I know faithfulness and loyalty do not come easily to me, especially when love and feelings are concerned. Perhaps it's because I know I can never be committed to just one person. Perhaps that's why I'm never meant to love.

[fangying] [8:39 AM]

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh boy. It's been so long since I last posted. Long considering I used to blog like every other day u_u.

Which goes to prove Zhi Hao's point. (points to tagboard) I am indeed very busy right now with a "hectic poly schedule".

I mean maybe I'm subconsciously lazy to blog or subliminally unwilling to blog. I do like to blog. But that's provided I have the time and energy to, and there are interesting enough stuff to blog about in the first place. School is damn fun but it leaves me so drained of time and energy! >_<

And finally I do have the time and energy to come and blog about the past few weeks or so, since my last proper and formal account of school life on April 20th.

So. Assignments. I've had a steady stream (more like a raging tsunami actually) of assignments coming in nearly every other day. Most of the assignments are group projects where deadlines magically shorten just as when you think you've got everything under control. The individual assignments (only a handful so far) are like shit. SRSLY. Not so tough, but highly tedious.

Least it's not as tedious as Amath or Emath in the old days!

And. My classmates. Think you're sick of me saying this over and over again, but I'd just like to say, this bunch of people are just awesome. XD

Some random stuff... perhaps?

1. Today, during the bus ride home with Sabrina, we saw this person (with awesome Japanese sleeve!) sleeping in the bus. Whenever the bus jerked, he lifted his head... and hit it on the glass with an almighty THUD! Like *BANG!* on the window! Best part is he didn't wake up or even stir. Ever. All this time Sabrina and I were sniggering behind him. Now I think he probably didn't wake up because all the hitting and banging to his head caused him to pass out or something.

2. Last last week, after discussing Loc Pro stuff with Yun 'Er, Ernest and Khairul (Nuqman was there too, but he's not in our group), Yun 'Er decided to play House of the Dead in the Marina Square arcade and needed a partner... and Ernest had no money. So I was pretty much a scapegoat. The game was full of bloody zombies and damn traumatizing for someone as scaredy as me. >_< For an illustrous impression of exactly how I played House of the Dead, go and find Ernest. And Yun 'Er was really, really, really AWESOME.

3. Art and Design sucks. Totally. Nothing artistic... and nothing on design at all!

4. Poor Yong Hao injured his leg D: He came back to school in a wheelchair. Kenneth kept taking his crutches and hobbling around on it! A couple of us took turns to try to hobble around with Yong Hao's crutches too. I couldn't even use them properly 'cause they were too high, the part where you're supposed to put your arm over is like up to my shoulder O__O. Then before Art and Design we signed his cast and drew all sorts of rubbish on it as well. Kenneth, in particular, drew all sorts of branded logos on it, so now Yong Hao is sponsored by Gucci, Chanel, Adidas, Nike, LG, Apple, Louis Vuitton, etc, etc, etc. And stuff like "OWE $ PAY $" and a stick figure with a pig's head. LMAO. Watching the guys push Yong Hao around kinda makes the rest of us rightly worried, 'cause, well, you just get the feeling they're gonna make a wrong turn and smash his already-injured leg into a concrete pillar or something. O_O Touch wood! Heehee.

5. Clarice and I came up with a perfect background story for Ami James XD
So do you know why does Ami James have a flaming Buddha tattoo on his neck? Well 'cause he was trying to impress the Shaolin monks into taking him in. He just thought monks were so cool, he shaved his head to prove the point. Unfortunately the monks just weren't impressed with that tattoo. Well the truth is, he's been rejected by every single damned monastery he went to for two reasons: 1) that blasted tattoo and 2) 'cause he can't meditate for more than two seconds without blowing up. For instance:

Ami: *assumes lotus position*

(Imagine Ami James decked out in the saffron robes and large chunky beads around his neck, and six dots on his head)



And then we wondered how he got the six dots on his head! I said he probably got Garver to tattoo six dots on his head... then Garver being his long-suffering spouse of sorts decided to take revenge and tattoo six DOGS on his shiny bald head... or maybe six pieces of shit... or perhaps six smileys... or six frownies, seeing that Garver's been suffering under Ami for so long... the possibilities are just endless!

*Yawn* Gotta go sleep now... I'm so fucking tired... been tired since Locpro tutorial... which was like 9AM! So I've been tired the whole day!

[fangying] [11:21 PM]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

His expression is priceless XD.

[fangying] [12:31 PM]

Friday, May 2, 2008

Warranty Information PDF file as provided by some company which I bought my Macbook Pro from:


Well... it just left me pretty perplexed as to what can a higher power do to one laptop out of billions around the world, especially one that is so badly-taped up and full of grease/spit/kimchi soup marks.

[fangying] [1:06 AM]
Wei Ning
Fang Jun
Hui Ying
Wei Ting
Yong Hao
Zhi Hao
The Flaming Lips Fort Minor Hellogoodbye Linkin Park
The Perishers