Terribly uneventful weekend. Too man things to worry about. I turn to retail therapy for solace.
Surprising eh? I'm about the third or second last person you'd ever think to find retail therapy, well, therapeutic. But it does, if it's out of necessity.
For instance my lack of good wearable clothes have driven me to the point of insanity, so retail therapy serves its purpose. Yesterday I bought a shirt from Giordano ($49 is a complete rip-off, really, but it's the only nice shirt in the whole mall) and that nice pair of trousers I've been eyeing since my last trip to Muji. It's a pair of dark brown tweed baggy trousers with button-on suspenders! XD plus I got a discount for it. Instead of $69 I paid $48.50 instead. Go figure.
Right now I'm at Coffee Bean at Toa Payoh Hub, charging up Xero and waiting for drama class to start at around 2PM. I know you know I don't like Coffee Bean, but compared to many others Coffee Bean is still not the worst (for instance, KFC...). Okay fine they're two different classes of F&B outlets, but still, I just like to take this chance to say that KFC sucks!
The past week (prior to the weekend) was pretty good for me! It's rare for people to learn anything at all on the first week of school, but here, I'm running out of capacity to store all the content I'm learning, I need an external hard disk soon! Plus I've never walked into a class so full of nice, friendly, approachable and easygoing people, no cliques, no groups, just one whole class of 15 kids from different schools and different backgrounds, with different interest but one thing in common, we're FSV students.
[For those that don't know, Kinky Keith used to teach me English for 6 months in ye olde school. He's often feared and disliked for his over-enthusiastic and creepily-cheerful demeanor, useless teaching skills and possesses the ultimate G-factor, G for Gross and Gagging. Believe me, he's the last person you'd ever want for an English teacher.... or a co-form.]
You Scored an A |
![]() You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human. And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes. |
You Are 70% Weird |
![]() You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
Bless the beasts and the children...
For in this world they have no voice
They have no choice...
Bless the beasts and the children...
For the world can never be
The world they see...
Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them
Give them love
Let it shine all around them...
Bless the beasts and the children...
Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm...
Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them
Give them love
Let it shine all around them...
Bless the beasts and the children...
Give them shelter from a storm
Keep them safe
Keep them warm...
Bless The Beasts and The Children by The Carpenters
I was tearing up as I heard this song on my iPod.
Rest in peace my dear Foamy... you're the first bunny I have ever ever ever befriended in my life. You're one of the most adorable honeys that ever came into the lives of Clarice, Wei Ning and me, especially Clarice's.
I still remember day one with you. March 15th 2007.
It was the March holidays. Wei Ning had invited Clarice and I for a sleepover. We were going to cross Bishan Park when all of a sudden I caught sight of something black and white and furry with long ears hopping in the field.
And immediately we realised, someone heartless must've abandoned you. Some unkind soul just left you there, with nothing but a cardboard box. We knew a domestic rabbit couldn't survive under such harsh conditions, what with all the monkeys and dogs in the park that could attack you, the weather... we knew we had to get you somewhere safe.
Of course you didn't trust us at first. Why would you? People in your life had let you down. They abandoned you. Why should you trust us humans? We ended up chasing a few good rounds around the field, across the carpark, under the bridge. You went everywhere. Hiding in potholes, scurrying under a slab of ant-infested cement, even hopping under the bridge where you risked a fall into the deep canal. A kind man with his wife and kids even stopped by to help us get you. He wanted you safe too. He managed to catch you in the very same cardboard box you were abandoned in, and handed it to us.
Wei Ning then called her dad to pick us up, because, honestly, how are we going to cross six lanes of rush-hour traffic with a frightened, cold and hungry bunny in a damp cardboard box that's going to give way anytime? We made our way rather slowly and gingerly to the sidewalk to wait for Wei Ning's dad when, without warning, you hopped out of the box and escaped again. Once again, you sent us running all over the field, trying to get you back in, trying to assure you that we ain't gonna hurt you, and in that same defiant attitude you've always had, you just won't.
Perhaps you got tired, perhaps you got hungry. Finally we could approach you without having you run away from us. I remembered we had nuts. Organic ones. So we offered you some, and you accepted them, munching quietly, while we told you things were gonna be okay. We ain't gonna hurt you. We ain't gonna abandon you. We'll give you food and shelter, but first be nice and cooperate, alright? And we had you back in the box in no time.
Not without leaving large, deep teeth marks in my finger, of course. Foamy never surrenders easily.
You were so scared, we could see that in your eyes. You were shaking with fear, shuddering with every hump and bump Wei Ning's dad's car drove over. Each of us wanted to put a reassuring hand on your back, but we risked getting teeth marks on our fingers!
Finally we got home. Everyone who was present looked on curiously. A rabbit? Abandoned in a park?
We housed you in one of Wei Ning's old and bigger birdcages. We couldn't really think of what to feed you, so we asked for some green leafy vegetables. Immediately you behaved like a punk — you chewed on the leaves, but you wouldn't eat the stalks, not even for nuts!
And you looked like a punk too — black fur around each eye, just like dark eye make-up; shaggy black and white fur; and, one of the most distinct features of yours ever, a black-and-white mohawk in between those beautiful ears. That mohawk was truly your trademark!
And we wanted to give you a name, a gender-neutral one because we couldn't tell if you were a boy or a girl rabbit. Then I had a brainwave.
"Let's call you Foamy then, since you're such a badass punk like Foamy the Squirrel!"
The next day, we got up real early (which is quite a miracle for us) and went down to Thomson Plaza to get you stuff you need - food, water-bottle and shampoo, and went home and tried to give you a bath.
Three girls. One rabbit. No rules.
It was even more exhausting than running a marathon; you skipped and hopped and kicked and scratched and peed so much, we ended up getting more shampoo and water on ourselves than we did on you.
I still remember — Wei Ning with the shower head, Clarice with the shampoo, and me with the towel. You definitely lived up to your namesake.
When we finally did get you significantly cleaner, it was time for us to part. Or, at least, my mom asked me to go and meet her in Orchard Rd. And of course when I asked I was disallowed to keep you. In the end, we decided you'd live with Clarice, and in retrospect I guess it couldn't have been better. I still remember how Clarice asked her brother, "You want a pet rabbit?" and Claven said yes. And Clara didn't mind. Their mother had no choice! But Auntie came to adore you so much too. Pretty much everyone you knew did.
I still remember how sometimes after school I would go to Clarice's house and we'd pretend to study Chemistry, then when Auntie isn't looking we'd go play with you, stuff you with treats and fruits, chase you round and round and clean the couch where you loved to "make your mark". I'd end up staying well past my curfew of 7 and then poor Auntie would have to send me home.
In a way I have you to thank for letting me meet my Vondy. If not for you, Clarice wouldn't have to go down to Frankie's shop to get your supplies, and I wouldn't know of his shop, and I wouldn't have the chance to meet Vondy and bring her home. It's really sad you never really got to meet Vondy, but thank you, Foamy, for giving me the opportunity to meet Vondy. You two would've been wonderful friends even though you didn't like hamsters, because whenever Clarice goes to her grandma's house and play with hamsters, you'd get so jealous! That I call a typically sweet Foamy.
The last time I was with you was in February, a few weeks before your "birthday". You behaved so well, save for a some growling and occasional mood-swings. You made yourself right at home at Wei Ning's house. Wei Ning's grandma was so happy to see you again, so overjoyed you had come to visit. Mean little you didn't finish the banana she gave you, but at least you were so sweet during your stay at Wei Ning's. You even went to sniff and lick Wei Ning when she drank her Bacardi Breezer too fast and passed out on the couch. We were watching Beetlejuice at 2AM and drinking Bacardi Breezer and eating junk food.
The next day, Auntie offered to drive me home. You were behaving so well in the car, which wasn't always the case. Auntie and Clarice of course knew you could be worse.
We swerved round Begonia Rd, and all of a sudden you hopped over to me and sat on my lap, and looked at me with those pleading eyes. You didn't want me to go.
"So sorry, Foamy, but I have to go... but I'll see you soon, I promise, okay?"
I love you Foamy.
7th April 2008, 9:32PM: Edited - it's "Bunny!" now.
Eargh. Banned from going out. AGAIN.
Just because:
1. I go out more than once a month?
2. My grandmother is here? (I don't hate her presence or even hate that she's stuffing pillows tomorrow. I just hate that my life has to come to a complete pause. I wouldn't have wanted to desert my grandma for friends, but the way they put it, it's as if I've gone berserk and completely ignored the needs of my family. I HAVE NOT.)
3. It's the same bunch of people? (Is it my fault, or anyone else's, that I have these wonderful friends I can trust and rely on? Is it a problem that we've grown attached to each other? Is it even a crime to want to see them at least once a fortnight? How would you feel if you had to reject your friends, time and time again, just to "be safe and sound" and "be mature and grown-up"? How would you feel if you were one of those friends I have to reject time and time again just so I could keep one side from boiling over another?)
I don't know why life hasn't changed since I became 15. I don't know why, now, I have time, and I am not utilising them the way I want to. Sometimes it's not because I'm lazy. Sometimes it's not even because of me. It's just starting to make me feel like whatever I say is worthless because I am theirs to command, to boss around; I come when I'm called and I leave when I'm sent away. Or rather I never get sent away; I'm just left here to my own devices, except I must follow their rules.
I'm so sorry this sounds so pubescent, but if things haven't changed since you were pubescent I think it's hard for you to not whine over any other issue. I know it sounds so cheesy and dumb and I just sound like a stupid ignorant brat whining my head off and wasting oxygen but, really, I feel like a caged bird. Not just any bird; maybe a worthless little bird that's going to die soon anyway, so the owner chose to cage it up to save the effort of calling the animal police should this bird go missing.
I'm so terribly bored I want to cry. I'm so bored and apathetic of this life that if reincarnation was a certainty, I'll kill myself now. Everyday I wish something will change, so that my life will change too.
Now I see. I see that my parents staying in Tianjin for three years isn't so bad after all. Now I want it to come soon, so I can prove my worth and my standing in this clan. I may be lowly now. I may be worthless now. But give me that chance, oh boy, everyone will be bowing down to me by summer of next year.
I want to leave.
I want to leave.
I want to leave. And live.
You know how leave and live sound kinda alike? They sound alike for a reason. They sound alike because without one, the other will never be. To live you must leave. To leave, you need to live.
I am living right now. Soon, I will be able to leave.
I just heard from my folks yesterday that my dad may switch jobs and get posted to Tianjin for three years. If so, my mom will quit her current job and accompany my dad to China. Which means there's a possibility that I'm going to spend all my polytechnic life alone. Or perhaps with my brothers. I don't know. Make that a high possibility, since it's a really lucrative job. It's a scary thought, three whole years on my own. Since my brothers don't come home often, it means most of the time I'll be alone.
This is what you wanted, Fangying. Life, on your own. Your own life. No one to bother you about nitty-gritty things. But why are you so hesitant? Why that long face, huh?
It's just daunting.
On the other hand, my friend, independence has to come sooner or later. Why not let it come sooner. It's going to be fun.
Yeah. Think about the possibilities. Think about what lies ahead. It's a chance to show that you're not useless, like you are now. Dependent and sucking off others for food, shelter, clothes, company and life. It's time to shake off that image and that life. It's time to show what you're capable of.
But I'm scared.
No, no, don't be. It's not like it's forever. It's not as if you're gonna be left with no one. In fact it's all still uncertain. Maybe they ain't gonna go after all. Even if they do it's not like three years in a row. They'd come home once in a while. They will.
So I guess I haven't much to fear. It's starting to look like an adventure. It looks like fun.
I'm just being paranoid. Whatever happens, I think I'm just gonna take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy. It's what I do worst in life, but I have to learn to take it easy.