Sunday, March 30, 2008
Bloody shit. LP didn't win KCA 2008 Favourite Band Award u_u.
But luckily Fall Out Boy didn't win either. HAH.
Quote of the day: "Stupid! Stupid fellow!" — my grandmother.
[fangying] [10:39 PM]
OMG I just realised how ridiculously stupid I am.
I didn't realise my clock broke down and thought it was only 12-plus when there are so many signs that
1. Firstly, Xero's clock reads 4:09 AM. It's the nearest working clock and
I didn't see it. (That being said, I have about three broken alarm clocks, one slow clock and countless watches with failed batteries.)
2. How can I forget it's well past midnight when I watched
LA Ink starting halfway at 11:30 PM, then
Miami Ink at 12AM, followed by
Project Runway at 1AM???? (Perhaps because it's the first time in weeks I actually got to watch all three?
Mythbusters reruns old seasons at 12PM everyday so catching that was no problem, but those three shows often show post-primetime starting at 10PM. And they only air once a week. It's easy to forget!)
3. Isn't it remarkably quiet 'round the 'hood? Only thing is,
my 'hood is forever quiet. I sometimes tell people I live in "
swa teng" which translates as "mountain top" in hokkien or teochew. Crickets can't even be bothered to cry over here. It's so permanently quiet, it'd have made a really good retirement home for quiet-loving seniors if they don't mind the sweltering heat and the humidity. But I have friends in
ulu-er residential areas still.
I'm guessing I'm still a night creature through and through, cultivated since toddlerhood by my maternal grandma who frequently falls asleep in front of the TV during the 10PM news and conveniently forget to send me to bed until she wakes up again at around midnight. While burning midnight oil was relatively unheard of among 8-year-olds of my time (but the same can't be said for kids nowadays.
I feel old.), I was already using calculators for my abacus exercises in the dead of the night. My mom even helps me sometimes. Life didn't get better when I transferred to Ai Tong and they issued one worksheet of ten math sums to do, every single day.
Fuck, those were hell. Ten seemingly-simple questions had me running for a calculator even though primary school never involved any electronic devices as far as math is concerned. And these questions frequently caused me to stay up till as late as 1AM just to finish, cross my fingers and hope I got at least 5 questions correct, hit or miss.
Of course, without question secondary school life is
lousy with opportunities for midnight oil-burning. We all know so well — staying up till 3 or 4AM just for that last bit of Buddha-leg-hugging for various dumb reasons which include mugging for exams, recovering from writer's block for English, Higher Chinese or Literature essays, and editing scripts that have been written with an eclectic mix of lousy, unconvincing storylines, overused clichés and lots of bad spelling and grammar. It's a miracle how I survived secondary school without developing myopia, astigmatism, schizophrenia, depression, multiple organ failure (especially the brain) and, I don't know, there were so many opportunities for me to want to just jump off a building for the sake of my peers' linguistic abilities and low levels of intelligence.
Now, I stay up simply because night-time is me-time.
[fangying] [4:07 AM]
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Finally, my friends, THE PLAYER IS UP AND RUNNING. A selection of 12 of my favourites, half of which are under my Most Played list in my iPod Nano. I call it "Anthracite Radio's Top 25". Artists include Linkin Park (what is an Anthracite Radio playlist without LP? LP is almost always everything. ALMOST.), Fort Minor and Mika. I wanted to add more but, let's face it, it's a pretty tedious job to set up a playlist on My Flash Fetish, those who are familiar with that bloody site should know how much work it is to put together a decent playlist that doesn't have broken links, misspelt titles, mistaken song identities and etc.
Life is pretty idyllic for now. Well I think you're sick of hearing me say that over, and over, and over again for the past three or four months.
Argh induction day on 10th April. I hope no socialising is required because I hate socialising with strangers. I don't know why people think I'm so 'outspoken' and whatever bunch of crap, but if you're one of those motherfuckers who think so, I am sorry, but your assumption will remain as it is: an assumption. One famous anecdote my old, balding, grumpy and grouchy PE teacher made two years ago is "When you ASSUME, you make an ass out of you... AND ME!!! ESPECIALLY ME!" Stupid egoistic old fart but yes for once (and perhaps never again) he makes a valid point. So remember - The Unfathomable Lamer is just as afraid as you are!
Something off-topic — Vondy bit my finger so hard it now has two small teeth marks. That's some jaw power coming from a creature smaller than the size of your palm! She then proceeded to do some gongfu and flailed its tiny furry paws at me. Stupid kid, just squeak if you don't feel like hamster treats!
But I still love you Vondy! n_n

How cute is this!!
[fangying] [4:28 PM]
Friday, March 28, 2008
Peectuure Spahm!
Ahh. After a good night's sleep, I felt refreshed and recharged for ANOTHER DAY WITH THE SIMS 2!
Today the main attraction is the Byron family. But first, for those who remember Christel Lee,

This is what she looks like now! XD. Look at those eyes.
And now... presenting... THE BYRON FAMILY. They are related to the Lee family via Jake Byron and Deena Lee who are siblings.
They just had a baby boy, Kirby Byron, and while babyhood is seriously boring in The Sims 2, toddlerhood could be a whole lotta fun.

Cecilia: "SHUT UP!!!"


Nene: "Nooooo!"
Nene: *sigh*


Sabby: "Hniai stupid kid."

Toy Bin: "Well, we has a boy..."

Toy Bin: "...but I eated him."

And just for the record this is Natalie, Cecilia and Jake's older daughter. She didn't look so good when she was a kid, but now she's quite a looker... especially for a nerd ;D

Stupid dog! There's a nice, warm, comfy AND EMPTY pet bed nearby, and you choose to sleep on the cold hard floor. How stupid can you get, Nene? Oh and did I forget to add. Under her stats she's supposed to be a "Genius".
That's it for pic spam!
[fangying] [1:43 AM]
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Waking up in the middle of an idyllic afternoon nap with your heart palpitating, your head full of sweat and feeling like your body and your soul is being forced apart can never be a good thing. It's not funny when you feel like you're on the brink of death every time you close your eyes to sleep.
Falling asleep and dreaming about weird stuff. Usually I don't sleep well.
I just had the weirdest reality-based dream. EVER!
I dreamt that EAxis released a
Simpsons edition of
The Sims 2. Reality: I like both.
In the dream I apparently lent my aunt the game and I kept wanting to get it back from her. Reality: Four people owe me games, but I'm not really that insistent on wanting them back as I was in my dream. Oh god. In my dream I was going, "Can we go to my aunt's house to get the game back" every five seconds or so.
Later my mum and I went to a bookshop to buy some stuff. I suddenly approached a sales assistant and asked her if they had tape. Reality: I did go to a bookshop and bought tape there. That happened on Monday.
But the stupid woman just said rudely that they didn't have tape and the only place you can find tape is the supermarket. Reality: I went to a supermarket on Monday too.
Now here's the bizarre bit: I bugged my mum to drive me to my aunt's house (who only lives across the street so I don't know why I insisted she drive me there) and ask for the game back. I actually confronted my aunt. And the most ludicrous thing ever was that she gave me, a long-time fan of The Sims, a copy of
The Sims Hot Date, thinking I would be bamboozled into believing that was the
Simpsons edition of
The Sims 2. I was so not. The rest of the dream consisted of much quarrelling and mayhem and ended with everybody siding my aunt and blaming me for kicking up a big fuss over the whole thing. After all, they pointed out that there's only a number's difference between
The Sims and
The Sims 2.
[fangying] [2:01 AM]
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Little bitchings that give me away.
1. Xero's Return key keeps falling out, especially when I'm talking to important people on MSN. It's so irritating, but so cute sometimes 'cause that's what makes Xero Xero and not just any 15" MacBook Pro. All the things that I know of him so far and things I have yet to discover. The freezing after running for 72 hours on a charger. That loose Return key that pops out whenever he thinks I'm giving my friends too much attention and not giving him any. The sweet little keys that light up when I sit alone in the dark waiting for something to happen. And how it cracks me up every time I start him up, a wallpaper of LP appears, and all of a sudden five big fat icons pop out and pile themselves on Chester, one on top of the other. And the others are intact.
2. How would you feel if one day you got home and saw your younger cousin sitting on your bed, eating your Pocky, using your fan, wireless and electricity? Luckily my cousin wasn't when he came home to see me do just that. Except he probably didn't see the Pocky. Well never mind. I just got a little more irritating when I pulled out my charger, plugged the fan back, and accidentally shut down his computer. Oops! (He didn't get angry. Phew.)
3. Idealism can make or break you. Idealism in a more extreme form may become escapism.
[fangying] [6:59 PM]
Another reason to be angry over Xero: He likes to screw up Linkin Park's
Meteora for me. Giving wrong titles and leaving the Composer section blank. WTF!
[fangying] [3:11 PM]
Monday, March 24, 2008
Yes, guys.
For once I have succumbed to minimalism.
I got so sick of my blogskins but am too lazy to make any for myself or too arrogant to beg others for a custom-made skin or even use others' skins. So I gave up and decided to use a layout generator. Much simpler.
The music player won't come in until probably tomorrow since I'm really tired and bummed about losing what could've been my best biography ever. ARGH.
So there. Done. For now.
Oh and don't hesitate to "Reading or Leeds?!" me. I need something to do yeah?
Oh and twits. Please re-master your English. And stop asking others to stop infringing whatever little copyright you have left, which is sub-zero. Come on. The only thing that we all have in common is that we are all unique and special.
[fangying] [2:44 AM]
I'm so fucking mad!!
I'm so fucking mad at Xero!!
Xero the MacBook Pro has this tendency to freeze after prolonged use. Just now this little fucker froze for the third time he's been here (which is approximately two weeks) and I'm SO FUCKING MAD 'cause this time it chose to crash when I was just about to save the new template!! ARGH!!! And of all things I had to do I have to write this super-long-winded biography of myself and look what pride and vanity did to me! ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! I AM SO FUCKING MAD!
[fangying] [2:14 AM]
Friday, March 21, 2008
CAMWHORING! With Xero's iSight camera in Photo Booth. It's really fun to play and mess around with. For those who do know me I hardly camwhore because I don't have the tools to. But now I do!
Well now you know what I look like huh?Mirror Effect 101: Love Thyself!
Mirror Effect 101: Two Heads are Better than One
That's all folks!
edit on Monday, 24th March due to the nitpicky aesthetics department of my brain.
[fangying] [1:02 AM]
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Now that I've got Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, I think I might wanna get Live In Texas. n_n.
Okay that means I'm making yet another wishlist!
1. LP's Live In Texas DVD
2. Decals for Xero the All-Powerful Macbook Pro with a loose Return key.
3. A notebook pouch for Xero
4. The Sims Stories for Mac
5. Maybe a few more shirts since my wardrobe has become more-than-half-empty.
That's that!
[fangying] [12:00 AM]
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Mike Shinoda and The Bra
In a nutshell what happened was that at one of LP's concerts Mike was talking on stage and all of a sudden this horny whore just threw her bra at Mike and it nearly landed on his face. Like come on man, the poor fellow's married! XD Also look out for Mike's expression.
[fangying] [1:40 AM]
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Yes. I'm blogging from a Macbook. MY NEW MACKBOOK! *swoon*
It's a bit of a 'culture shock' here, having been very seasoned as a Windows user... but since my family's first computer even back in the early nineties was a Macintosh, it's just like going back to my roots as a computer user.
So far no problems have cropped up. It's fine and dandy while eating up battery like crazy. I stupidly forgot to check its battery life when I bought it from school.
Well my life with a Mac started yesterday at the Notebook sales convention whatever event at NP. When I finally touched my Macbook for the first time, it was like... MAGIC! SRSLY! I was really tired after spending one sweltering morning at Sentosa for my dad's department's family day but once I set my eyes on it all my tiredness went away.
After buying this baby we made a pit stop at my aunt's when I really couldn't wait anymore, I brought the whole box up to my aunt's apartment and of course the first thing she said was "Wahhh you better study hard man".
Another reason why I'm so fucking excited is because it's a
notebook. It's not just any damned gadget. I've always had this love affair with notebooks ever since I was a kid when my dad carried one home from work. I simply wished I could have one of my own. But I was only 8. What for?
Obviously for pragmatic reasons I've never had this dream fulfilled. I'm thinking if I went to a JC I wouldn't be able to have this baby too. I guess the only ways I can repay my parents for getting this baby is
1. Work hard. Really hard.
2. Let them fiddle with it whenever they want to.
3. Send my mom for IT lessons.
Okay 'nuff said. Later I'm gonna go hunting for a pouch since the free carrier looks eerily like my nemesis The Crumpler Bag. It really looks freakingly like a CRUMPLER BAG. O__O
[fangying] [1:41 PM]
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Well, this week flew by rather quickly... it's already early Saturday and my mind is probably still stuck at Tuesday or Wednesday >_<.
So. Just to keep track.
Tuesday - Photoshoot Day with Wei Ning, Sherilyn and Clarice. Just for fun and entertainment~
Wednesday - Potato Chip Party at Starbucks, Dhoby Ghaut with Wei Ning and Sherilyn (Clarice wasn't feeling well u_u)! To earn the right to sit there I bought a chocolate muffin and a Blackcurrant Frappuccino... for the heck of it!
Thursday - Computer + Audio Editing Software + Some LP tracks + LOTS of spare time = CHIPMUNKIZING TIME!!!
At first I wanted to replicate the effect of
In The End sped up like in The Making of
In The End MV. So I duplicated a copy and opened it in Cool Edit Pro. Now it was the second time I ever touched that program (the last time I touched it was when I decided to reverse
Announcement Service Public) and I was messing around with the options trying to achieve the squeaky effect when I found it: the magical
STRETCH effect. It allows you to manipulate the pitch and tempo of the song independently. So I jacked up the pitch, and I nailed it! It's
In The End by LP, feat. The Chipmunks! Honestly it sounds so fucking cute. Srsly.
Excited, I logged on to MSN and started to tell Wei Ning all about it. Then she wondered what an emo-sounding song would sound like when Chipmunkized? So I did exactly just that. I picked
Valentine's Day, easily one of the worst and most emo LP song I have ever heard so far (and that's coming from a fan, mind you), and Chipmunkized it. Voila! You get.... EMO CHIPMUNK!! It sounded terrible. It actually sounds like techno.
Inspired (or otherwise), I tried to Chipmunkize two other songs -
Given Up, which is possibly one of the highest-pitched and most screamy LP song ever, and
Faint, which has a good mix of rapping, singing and screaming. Crunch them down the Chipmunkizer and what do you get?
Given Up was a glass-shatterer. The highest part of the chorus was so fucking high, the peaks in the graph went out of the range, and if you don't try hard enough to listen, you probably wouldn't hear the highest parts at all because those parts are at a pitch dangerously close to ultrasound. Funny I should mention ultrasound, for the screaming sequence really sounds like the emergeance of a particulary bad-tempered baby with lungs of steel, screamin' its head off, "CHANGE MAH DIAPER YOU FUCKERRRRRRRRRR~~~~~ RAAAWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!!". It's heavy on the ears, kids, don't try this with stereo earphones.
You'll die. I tried and barely lived to tell the tale.
On the other hand,
Faint was a relatively easy ride compared to
Given Up; the rapping bit was so sweet but once Chipmunk Chester starts... oh man, another Screamo Baby just arrived at KK Hospital.
Fucking strenuous, I tell you! Especially the
"No! Hear me out now! You're gonna listen to me like it or not, right now!" part, well, let's just say the Screamo Baby grew up a little and learnt to construct better sentences, but hasn't quite broken its voice yet. Once again, the track turned out rather techno-ish. Oh and one more thing, it's not a good idea to Chipmunkize the strings sample in
Faint. It's high on the discomfort to hear it.
Oh well. That's a wrap folks. Fangying is tired. Fangying speaks in third person when she is fucking tired and her joints hurt from all the humidity.
[fangying] [1:11 AM]
Monday, March 10, 2008
And with that I present to you the cutest LP member EVER. Cuter even than Joe Hahn.

(You can say I have officially 'dumped' Joe for Rob!)
[fangying] [9:52 PM]
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Nothing says "You are going to NP, kiddo" like an enrolment package sent to your doorstep.
Aargh! So many forms to fill out. So many deadlines to remember. It's insane. I wonder if people in JC have to do the same things. Fill out crazy forms. Visit enough websites to give you astigmatism from staring at the screen too much. Worry over what kind of notebook to buy. Have a somewhat penny-pinching father bugging you to look out for loan schemes and so ons just so he doesn't have to pay nearly $1500 per semester at one go.
As for the notebook, it's set - I
have to get a MacBook. It's not a want; it's
mandatory. It's crazy. But I guess it's exciting. I've never really used a Mac before, but from what I see while taking a good peek into my brother's MacBook,
it's pretty darn cool!
[fangying] [2:55 AM]