Wednesday, November 28, 2007
1. I officially announce that my hair is GONE. Well more like 75% of it is gone and 50% of it is bunched up in a ponytail and placed in a drugstore plastic bag. In its place is a nice short Peter Pan haircut which can become a fauxhawk with a lot of wax. It's been gone since last Tuesday but didn't blog about it 'cause I wanted to give a few people a surprise. Well, I can safely say that only two were truly shocked; the rest probably underreacted or didn't realise until they saw my back.
2. There's a funny Chinese medicine smell in my house for some reason. It really really stinks and I don't know how to get out of it.
3. What a bummer. It's the holidays and I'm still frowned upon if I went out more than three times a week.
4. My room is in a complete mess and I'm on the verge of moving out because I've lost the will to reinventory it. 80% of the things in my room are second-hand; of the remaining 20%, 75% are age-inappropriate and only 10% are used on a regular (i.e. at least once every six months or so) basis. The remainders are all shit I don't care about.
5. [BRAT ALERT: PEOPLE WHO HATE BRATS, GET OUT NOW AND DON'T COME BACK] I'm not even allowed to make my room age-appropriate. Let me give you a basic idea of what my room looks like:
i. PINK walls.
ii. Stuffed toys.
iii. Barbie dolls.
iv. Shit everywhere (metaphorically, my dear)
v. Shit everywhere (literally, my dear, in Vondy's cage. Hamsters are shitting machines, if you will.)
vi. White girly bed frame with black legs embellished with gold(which I respect only because it's older than me, period.).
vii. Old bedsheets I end up using because nobody else wants. Like Hello Kitty and the shitty teddy-bear one.
Now guess the age of the owner.
Those of you who think it belongs to a 9-year-old, raise your right, raise your left, stamp your right, stamp your left, nod your head, shake your booty, stick out your tongue and sing, "FATHER ABRAHAM HAD SEVEN CHILDREN, SEVEN CHILDREN HAD FATHER ABRAHAM".
*surveys* Wow I see all of you are doing it. Good!
See? Now guess my age.
Ten? No...
Eleven? Up some more...
Thirteen? Waaay beyond that...
Twenty? No, less than that...
Oh sorry.
I mean, I am sixteen going on seventeen. I don't know what people think and I don't care, but I think I have seriously grown out of the colour pink, teddy-bear motifs, Hello Kitty and Barbie dolls and it's time to move on. I don't think I'm asking a lot; all I want is to repaint my room. Before that I even want the furniture swopped. But you said no so I didn't pursue the matter any further. Now all I need is just wall paint and myself (I proposed to D.I.Y, or rather, D.I.M.M (Do It Meself, Mate) n order to take a leaf from my dad's book and cut costs) but no, cost is not the issue.
"A whole house should look like a whole house. There should be harmony. If you paint your room it will stand out like a sore thumb and it doesn't look like it belongs to the house anymore."
Well here's my theory.
"Sure, a whole house should look like a whole house. It will look like a whole house if it is already one whole house and not two. Harmony doesn't mean all the rooms have to look just as boring and drab as one another. Sticking out like a sore thumb is what I do best and I will be responsible for it, don't worry. Besides, who the fuck will want to come into my room? Anybody who barges into my room without my permission will be deemed as an intruder and I will file a restraining order against the offender."
There you go. Rant over.
[fangying] [11:38 AM]
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
New Post As Requested By zh!
There you go!
[fangying] [10:54 AM]
Monday, November 19, 2007
I ordered 3 tees from!

Coming in like three weeks or so. Yippee!
[fangying] [9:28 AM]
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft
In your mind you have capacities you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
You've been observing our earth
And we'd like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries-
(Alien voice)
We've been observing your earth
And one night well make a contact with you
We are your friends
(Human voice)
And please come in peace, we beseech you
(Alien voice)
Only a landing will teach them
(Human voice)
Our earth may never survive
(Alien voice)
So do come, we beg you
(Human voice)
Please interstellar policeman
(Alien voice)
Oh, won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we've reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together that's the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
[Guitar solo]
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft
... we are your friends.
-The Carpenters
This is like one of the most amazing songs I've heard from The Carpenters. So awesome. And meaningful. Yeah.
[fangying] [2:51 AM]
More Starbucks! Moooore...
We hung around Starbucks at Park Hotel a lot... and this is the first time after O-levels that I'm back in there with the usual suspects! And of course I ordered the usual and we sat down and talked a great deal. Wei Ning and Clarice have already done stuff to their hair and I haven't... even though I had talked the loudest about it most of the time. Wei Ning bleached some of her fringe while Clarice bleached a patch of her hair herself... she thinks it's botched but I guess it's pretty okay, though it doesn't look bleached. Long story (and personal.. to her at least)so I won't elaborate on why. As for Wei Ning she got hers professionally done, but she says it isn't exactly what she wanted but she's contented enough. I still wonder what I can do with my hair... 50+cm and all.
Later Min Ling joined us and we went to Muji at Paragon. I can't believe their chucks are cheaper than Converse's basic chucks, like WAAAAY cheaper. Goes to show how much value a big brand puts on something so basic. But Muji's chucks are fine really. A couple of colours available, all at about S$29 (compared to Converse's at S$56 a pair). Their clothes are awesome too. Nice and basic. Just the way I like it. No stupid logos and no cheesy slogans ("Rules Don't Apply To Me". Nonsense.). I could buy the plain tees and do the designs myself yeah?
Next stop was Kinokuniya. Loadsa nice books but no Linkin Park stuff at all. OH but there was MIAMI INK! Yay! Except I ain't got no money to buy it. And Salvador Dali, Gustav Klimt, Frida Kahlo and Roy Lichtenstein calendars too. Awesome. Too bad I already have one from my mom. All about doggies. Cute enough.
Chris Nunez: (puts on Kat's big sunglasses and clutches her bag and pretends to talk on the phone in a girly falsetto voice) HWAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEHEEE~!! Where's Don?! HWEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE...
[fangying] [12:13 AM]
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I'M BACK! Larger than life and definitely uncut.
Firstly, welcome to my new blog! This skin is really crappy, I know, but hey, I made the picture with MS Paint, okay! And all I did was manipulate the Blogger template thing. I also 'ripped' the track off imeem 'cause I just "highlight-Ctrl+C"-ed the player HTML code before the stupid screen greyed out asking me to, oh, whaddya know, register and become their victim. I bet lots of you do that.
Secondly, O LEVELS ARE OVER! OVER! OVER! VERY VERY MUCH OVER! Sorry, but I just can't get over the fact that it's over.
Yes. I know. The Unfathomable Lamer whose breathing pattern does not change one bit at the height of emotional agitation went to the concert and screamed her bloody hollow head off. HAPPY?!
Photos: They're all I have up there.
Here, courtesy of Weijie who managed to capture much of the action! Thanks!
Went with Zhi Hao and met Weijie and his friend... erm Desmond I think.
Honestly the crowd wasn't as wild as I thought it'd be... maybe they're all tired after a day's work, it being a weekday and all. But I went ballistic anyway. Yay!
For those whom I sense may get mistaken: The track was from an older tour. Now THAT was what I was expecting... and it kinda fell short. But never mind, it's still awesome anyway.
Lastly: I need a haircut.
What a nondescript, anti-climax way to end a first post.
[fangying] [3:35 PM]